So what draws customers to great VM? Bright colours? Big decals? Well maybe but more importantly customers just want to be engaged. Entertain them, give them a reason to talk to you and be innovative in your designs. Many retailers in big cities around the world change their window displays as often as every 2 weeks in an attempt to stay current, offer something new and engage their customers. But of course that comes at a huge expense. Until now. How about a new window display every 5 minutes?
I feel an awesome Visual Merchandising opportunity coming on:
Living Room from Mr.Beam on Vimeo.
Mr Beam's living room project created an unique physical 3D video mapping experience by turning a white living room into a spacious 360° projection area.
This technique allowed them to take control of all colors, patterns and textures of the furniture, wallpapers and carpet. All done with 2 projectors. Imagine that in Westfield!