The new concept store is located on the high profile Avenue de Opera and will provide customers with the opportunity to test kitchen equipment inside the store. Experience and involvement were the key concept of the new store, says the kitchenware brand.
"Handling and using the kitchenware is very different from just looking at it in its box. Just as when you buy a new shirt. You want to be certain that the shirt looks good and that it fits you," said Jorgen Bodum, CEO of Bodum.
The new store also features professional chefs who demonstrate the kitchen equipment. Also, demonstration films are displayed on screens while customers test the equipment.
Once the customer finds the perfect equipment they are looking for, they can order it online, while they are in the store, and the store will deliver it directly to their home addresses.

The new store also gives the customers a chance to make comments, criticism and feedback.
"Our great confidence in the quality of our products means that we are not afraid of direct feedback from our customers. We have already benefited greatly from suggestions from our customers through channels such as Facebook and Amazon. Bodum-lab is a natural next step in our direct dialogue with customers," said Bodum.
Bodum is a tableware and kitchenware family owned company that was founded in Copenhagen, Denmark in 1944. The company was founded by Peter Bodum. Its first store was established in London in 1986.
Currently, Bodum has more than 300 stores globally which includes stores in Sydney, Copenhagen, Paris, Lucerne, Zuerich, New York and Tokyo. The company also sells its products in more than 55 countries.
Bodum has already produced a total of 4000 product lines, including vacuum coffee maker Santos which became a worldwide hit, and the French coffee press Bistro. Its products also include tea pots, textiles, kitchen equipment, BBQ's and more.
Bodum said the new concept will be a trend in all stores that will be set up in the future. The introduction of the new lab interactive store is expected to attract both Parisians and tourists visitors.

Inside retail